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Haralson County School District



Gifted Teacher TPS/WHES: Delara Angle

[email protected]

HCSD Gifted Coordinator: Jentsie Johns

[email protected]

Haralson County Schools work hard to ensure that every child receives the best education. If you feel that your student could be a candidate for the gifted program, please read our qualifications to find out more.

Our County’s Gifted Program

Haralson County is pleased to offer gifted services to those students who qualify. In order to receive services, there are three steps that must be taken: referral, screening, and eligibility.


Does my child qualify for testing?

The three steps in the qualifying process are referral, screening, and eligibility.


A parent of a child,a teacher, a counselor,an administrator,a peer, or the student can make a request to be evaluated for gifted services. The referrals are then submitted to a classroom teacher, who brings the student’s information to the gifted teacher for recommendations. A committee will then meet to decide whether the student will be referred for testing based on academic performance and the work samples provided.


If a student earns high enough scores on qualifying achievement and mental ability tests, they automatically qualify for services. Other candidates are assessed in four areas. These areas are mental ability, achievement, motivation, and creativity.


A student must qualify for gifted services through one of the following criteria:


Option A: Students must have qualifying scores in the areas of mental ability and achievement.

Mental Ability

  • K-2: 99th percentile on the composite or full scale score of a standardized test 3rd–12th: >96th percentile on the composite or full-scale score of a standardized test


  • 90th percentile total reading, total math, composite, or

  • a superior rating (numerical score of > 90 on a scale of 1–100) on a student-generated product or performance

Option B: Multiple Criteria: Students must qualify in 3 out of 4 areas.

Mental Ability

  • 96th percentile component or full scale of a standardized test


  • 90th percentile total reading, total math, or composite of a standardized test


  • 90th percentile on the total battery of a standardized test of creativity or on a standardized rating scale of creativity


  • 90th percentile on a standardized motivational characteristics rating scale

My child qualified for the gifted program; what now?

After the three steps of the qualifying process have been completed, the gifted teacher will notify you of your student’s eligibility status. A meeting will then be scheduled to discuss consent for gifted services and how we will continue to support and enrich your student within the classroom.

Gifted students at work

Parent Resources

Georgia Department of Education - Gifted Website

Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Georgia Association for Gifted Children

National Association for Gifted Children

Davidson Institute 

GADOE Gifted Evaluation and Eligibility Chart

Gifted Resource Manual

Student Resources